Mastering communication styles is simple, and will execrate your business.
As the world’s most popular behavioral assessment, DISC offers a simple solution with profound results. Learn how to identify the behavioral styles of others and adapt your communication to increase sales, assemble teams, target new hires, develop “rockstar” leaders, and more.
Motivation influences behavior, decisions, and actions. Finding ways to achieve objectives that resonate and align with core motivations is vital for superior performance.
Those who better understand their natural motivators
better are far more likely to pursue the right opportunities for the right reasons and get the results they desire.
Research indicates that Emotional Intelligence (EIQ) can be learned and can be seen as measurable differences directly associated with professional and personal success. Furthermore, it may be responsible for up to 80% of the success we experience in life. This assessment serves to heighten awareness of our own EIQ, identify relative strengths and weaknesses based on our emotional dispositions, and provide a framework for interpersonal and intrapersonal effectiveness.
All learners are not equal. They come from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds, have many different experiences and use different methods of learning. Some like to learn from text, while others want visual support and images. Some assimilate information individually while others prefer to work in groups. In the end, the only thing that can be said with certainty is that every individual learns in his or her own way.
Learning Styles
DISC + Motivators (For a Powerful Team)
DISC + EIQ (For Great Customer Service)
DISC + Learning Styles (For Excellent Training)